Science Fiction

The Aquarians

Lena’s Journey to an Aquatic World

gravity well (Rob Tomlin)
2 min readDec 15, 2023


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In the year 2026, two years after the Sahara beacon discovery, Dr. Lena Kovač embarked on a new adventure that would redefine humanity’s understanding of life in the universe.

It all began with a cryptic message hidden within the Arcturian beacon — coordinates leading to a distant, uncharted planet named Oceana. This planet, as Lena discovered, was entirely covered in deep, vast oceans, with no land in sight. Intrigued by the possibility of underwater alien life, Lena assembled a team of experts in marine biology, astrobiology, and deep-sea exploration.

The journey to Oceana was perilous, a test of the Arcturian faster-than-light technology that humanity was still mastering. Upon arrival, the team deployed an advanced submarine, designed to withstand the immense pressures of alien oceans.

As they descended into the depths of Oceana, Lena and her team witnessed an ecosystem unlike any on Earth. Bioluminescent creatures illuminated the dark waters, floating alien plants…



gravity well (Rob Tomlin)

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