Hi Harshad. I'm glad you enjoyed the article. Postgres does not always use an index with small data sets as they are more costly that a table scan.
"When an index is used in a SELECT query, first the position of the requested rows is fetched from the index (instead of from the table directly). Then, the requested rows (a subset of the total) are actually fetched from the table. It’s a two step process. Given a large enough number of requested rows (such as all the posts with an id greater than 10), it is actually more efficient to go fetch all those rows from the table directly rather than to go through the extra step of asking the index for the position of those rows and next fetch those specific rows from the table. If the percentage of the rows is smaller than 5-10% of all rows in the table the benefit of using the information stored in the index outweighs the additional intermediate step."