A Medium Rant

Medium and many publications are publishing trash.

gravity well (Rob Tomlin)
2 min readAug 14, 2024
Photo by Donald Giannatti on Unsplash

I have to get this off my chest because it’s becoming impossible to ignore: what the hell is happening to the quality of articles on Medium? Seriously, it feels like every other article I come across is littered with typos, filled with blatantly wrong information, clickbait titles or worse yet, clearly written by an AI with the personality of a toaster (especially listicles.)

Can we talk about the absolute garbage that’s passing as “information” on some of these articles? I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read something on Medium, only to find out it’s totally wrong. Outdated data, skewed interpretations, based on false information, or just incorrect.

Do these writers think they can just throw whatever they want out there and hope no one notices? Newsflash: people do notice. And when you publish incorrect information, you’re not just making yourself look bad, you’re contributing to the cesspool of misinformation that’s already far too prevalent online.

This whole AI written article trend is driving me insane. Use AI as an assistant — sure. But do your own research and check “Facts”.

Many times these AI written pieces aren’t even correct. They’re just adding to the pile of misinformation, making everything worse.

Case in point. I just read an article with 200 programming terms developers “must” know. Clickbait. Most likely AI written as it had many duplicate entries and many were wrong.

Why do publications approve these?

Medium is supposed to be a place where thoughtful, well crafted articles thrive. But lately, it feels more like a dumping ground for half-baked content that’s been rushed out the door. Typos, inaccuracies, AI nonsense — it’s all making me lose faith in what used to be a platform I enjoyed.

So here’s a plea to Medium, Medium publications and its writers: Get it together. Proofread your work, double-check your facts, and for the love of all things good, stop relying on AI to do your job for you. Readers deserve better, and honestly, so do you.

Rant over



gravity well (Rob Tomlin)

Software Engineering Manager. Focusing on SaaS based Microservices